Welcome to Roman 3 Operations.

We specialize in helping individuals and organizations  improve their performance, efficiency and productivity through coaching, training and consulting services. If you’re looking to build management and leadership skills your best, first step it with us.

Not yet completely convinced? No problem, we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back!

"The Roman 3 team take high-level, often emotional concepts, like employee engagement, and breaks them down into both understandable and measurable components that are justified with data."
Nicole Deveau
Strategic Coordinator, University Relations at MacEwan University
"Their strategies identified applicable solutions that had an immediate positive impact. The team at Roman 3 has always been accessible and willing to assist with our changing needs."
Martin Laycock
CAO of Municplaity of West Hants
"Roman 3 provided tools (in excess of my expectations) to help me within my role, and my organization, move towards a cultural shift."
Cynthia Saruk
Senior Human Resources Coordinator at C-FER Technologies
"Roman 3 has given me the tools to address workplace culture in a manageable way to not overwhelm myself and the leadership team."
Priscilla Garcia Flores
Human Resources at Witdouck Farms

Our Partners

NGen is the industry-led, non-profit organization leading Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster. One of five national networks supported by Canada’s ambitious Innovation Superclusters Initiative.

We are a diverse team of professional subject matter experts.
We use advanced diagnostics and analysis tools to better understand your industry, market, and opportunities therein.
We can help you develop and improve your value proposition and competitive advantage through innovation, intrapreneurship, and value creation.